What am I doing now?

BOOK – After more than two years of hard work, my book, Abandon School Educate Yourself: Exposing the System, Empowering the Individual, is finally published and available to buy on Amazon. It doesn’t feel like I did much because I only see the few hours I worked on it each and every day. Still, I am proud of myself and can’t wait for people to read it.

LACROSSE – We, the 2023 Calvin Men’s Lacrosse Team, did not make conference playoffs. It was sad to finish the season and an adjustment to life without practice, games, workouts, or film each day, however I am happy to move onto the summer.

WYOMING CONSERVATION CORPS – It will be odd to not having any personal and career projects going on but I am ecstatic to work for WCC as a Crew Member. I am basically paid to camp and hike in Wyoming all summer.

BILLIARDS – I have been playing more pool (or billiards) recently. I enjoy the challenge and flow state that come from playing. Also, I like the atmosphere of pool halls. There are always interesting people to see and talk to at these places. I want to get better at this game.

Updated on Thursday, May 11 in Castle Rock, Colorado.