21 Quotes from 2021

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I don’t care what year it is. To me, the year is an arbitrary concept with no meaning other than scientific. My experience is not capsuled into the prior year, rather it continues without distinction. I never wake up a new person on New Year’s Day. Still, the end of a year can ignite reflection, and without further ado, here is a list of 21 insightful quotes and adages I chanced upon in 2021.

1) Rather than trying to be happy, try to be at peace with yourself.

2) To find yourself, think for yourself.

3) Success is not the answer.

4) “Who needs an academic career when you’re the one with all the ideas?” – ‘Paradise’, Bcos U Will Never Be Free, Rex Orange County

5) Take Action, Make Mistakes, Learn from Them

6) You must design your life because if you don’t then someone will design it for you.

7) “Engineer a way of moving through the world that puts you in the driver’s seat of yourself.” – John Mayer

8) Life shrinks and expands in proportion to one’s courage.

9) To think is to be free.

10) Asking questions shows courage, not weakness.

11) “Don’t trust people who don’t walk.” – Ryan Holiday

12) Great art is fueled by great experiences.

13) To be interesting, be interested.

14) “Emotions are like children. You can’t let them drive or put them in the trunk.” – Thundercat

15) Expect to be betrayed.

16) “Find your direction through introspection.” – Rhythm & Wraps Bathroom graffiti

17) “Not all crazy ideas are great, but all great ideas are crazy.” – Mike Posner

18) “You can do whatever you want to do as long as you can govern yourself because there’s no sure ticket to anything. Why would you want to trade in what you really want to do, for what the odds are in favor of?” – John Mayer

19) “I refuse to exist. I want to live.” – Mark Carter

20) “What connects to people is you connecting with yourself.” – John Mayer

21) “You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.” – Jim Carrey

I hope these can help you in the new year as much as they have helped me in the past year. Cheers!

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